Heavy Center One Stop All Services
A man with a van in the yard of a heavy goods vehicle service centre.

Entrepreneurs tell us

Having all services under one roof helps customers in their daily lives, where everything is always rushed and scheduled. We have a great team spirit at Heavy Center, and we provide our services as one vehicle service family.

Tommi Salo, Heavy Center

Cooperation between entrepreneurs is easy. For example, with a vehicle inspection station, the way we work is that the vehicle comes to us for an inspection service, and we can then just take the keys to the inspection station. Simple!

Hannu Kinnunen, Autohuolto Kinnunen

It is a great advantage for the customer to be served through the Heavy Center. For example, if we notice that the brake pads are in poor condition when we change the tyres, we can recommend a car service to the customer – which means moving on to the next door.

Ari Tuominen, Rengasliike Tuomiset

A good service is created to meet a need

Tommi Salo, who has had a long career in the transport industry, has experienced first-hand where the niggles of a professional driver’s job lie. In a profession where time is money, for example, far too much of it was wasted on the mere tossing and turning between the inspection station and the workshop.
At the inspection station, the driver is given a list of faults, after which the car must be taken to a garage for servicing – and then back to the inspection station again.

Salo, who moved from the transport industry to become a heavy equipment workshop entrepreneur, came up with an idea. What if services were effectively under one roof? That’s the idea behind Heavy Center. The core idea of the service was clear, but Tommi Salo wanted to take the concept even further. Could the same address also be used for purchasing, changing and storing car tyres? For washing your vehicle in a heavy vehicle wash station? And why limit the service to heavy vehicle drivers only – passenger car drivers would certainly appreciate a one-stop comprehensive car service too!

To achieve the vision of Heavy Center, a seamless one-stop shop for car maintenance, it was important to find the right business partners to provide services: smaller private companies that would be easy to work with and willing to work together to create the best service package. After a rigorous selection process, Hirvaskangas Heavy Center’s business partners were chosen: Rengasmyynti Tuomiset for tyres, Hirvaskankaan Autokatsastus for roadworthiness vehicle inspections and Autohuolto Kinnunen for passenger transport maintenance.

In addition to its strong service selection, Heavy Center’s absolute strength is its location. Hirvaskangas is a busy intersection for domestic traffic and a natural break location. In the transport sector, the location of Hirvaskangas is particularly important, as it is halfway between Helsinki and Oulu and is therefore almost a mandatory stopping point under the rest time regulations. The Heavy Center offers transport operators an easy option for fleet inspection and maintenance “on the road”. Of course, a first-class framework was needed for the comprehensive service concept.

The premises were designed with the entrepreneurs’ wishes in mind, so that customer service would be efficient, and work would run smoothly. The Heavy Center’s modern premises were completed in 2019 and operations started in January 2020.

Heavy Center has been serving customers in Hirvaskangas for a few years now. The one-stop service concept has been proven to work and has been praised by customers. However, development is still ongoing. The Heavy Center currently offers heavy equipment drivers overnight accommodation in accommodation facilities where you can also find a sauna and gym. A biofuel filling station is also planned in connection with Heavy Center. Rekkatori, which occasionally brings its vehicles and machines to the Heavy Center yard for demonstrations, also contributes to the range of services.

Heavy Center wants to be THE stop in Hirvaskangas. The one with all the services a motorist needs under one roof.

Welcome to Heavy Center!

Heavy Center Hirvaskangas

Puukyläntie 1
44250 Äänekoski

Work management

040 120 5372 / Antero

040 655 1449 / Arttu

Customer service

045 219 2869 / Jenni

Hirvaskangas Heavy Center business group project, project number 206838, continental rural development programme 2014-2020.